The City of Waterloo entered into an acquisition contract with the owner of a 1.3-acre wooded lot located at the southern end of Fairfield Street. The undeveloped land, when combined with an adjoining parcel owned by the City, will allow for the development of a 5-lot residential subdivision. EPA Brownfields Program funds facilitated the transaction… Read more »

Interested citizens can now download a copy of the City’s brownfields brochure. The informative tool defines a brownfields site and offers several examples of potential brownfield sites; summarizes the EPA Brownfields Program; describes the Phase I and Phase II ESA process; highlights benefits of participating in the EPA Brownfields Program; offers redevelopment success stories; answers frequently asked questions;… Read more »

The City’s brownfield selection committee has chosen HR Green, Inc. to implement its EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant.  These funds help the community inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct cleanup planning on underutilized sites throughout Waterloo.  A special emphasis is being placed on properties located within the Broadway Street Corridor and the urban core.  Officials anticipate being able to complete approximately… Read more »

Renovation on the upper two floors of the historic former Freidl bakery building is complete. The mixed-use project converted the space into 12 unique condominiums with with stunning views of downtown. Work continues on finishing the first floor commercial areas for future tenants.  The building, located at 302 Commercial Street, is within an emerging entertainment… Read more »

Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) has awarded the former Friedl Bakery project $839,741 in historic preservation tax credits. The program provides a state income tax credit for rehabilitation of historic buildings. It is designed to promote the retention of unique, character defining buildings and building features that contribute to a community and neighborhood. Rehabilitation must… Read more »

U.S. EPA awarded the City of Waterloo an FY 2020 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Assessment Grant to investigate sites with actual or perceived contamination. 151 communities across the United States received 155 grants totaling $65.6 million in funding.  The City was one of eight recipients in EPA Region 7 that includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska…. Read more »

City Council approved additional incentives for the construction of a new 5-story building located at 801-805 Commercial Street on the former flea market site. The development agreement provides 20 years of 75% tax abatement on the former brownfield property. The 5-story structure will include both residential and commercial components and is expected to open in… Read more »

The City closes out its FY16 EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant today. It marks the end of another successful brownfield initiative for the community. The Assessment Grants remain a crucial linchpin in the City’s ability to return blighted properties back to productive reuses. Investigations conducted with the funds cleared 17.07 acres which leveraged nearly $8.7 million… Read more »