Tuesday, December 31, 2024


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) awarded the City of Waterloo (City) a $642,400 Cleanup Grant in 2023. These federal funds will assist in offsetting costs associated with removing asbestos containing materials (ACM) from the former Rath Packing Company building located at 1442 Sycamore Street. This press release is intended to provide the community with an annual update of the project’s progress. Recent highlights are as follows:

  • City officials selected Eocene Environmental Group, Inc. (Eocene) of Johnston, Iowa to oversee implementation of the EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant. The contractor has vast experience managing similar projects throughout the Midwest. Eocene also serves as the Qualified Environmental Professional for the City’s EPA Brownfields Multipurpose Grant.
  • The City secured a $20,260 grant from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to complete additional ACM survey work. The purpose of this additional work is to obtain more accurate information relative to the identified ACM with the goal of avoiding untimely and potentially expensive change orders. The supplemental survey work is expected to begin in January 2025. Development of bid specifications to abate identified ACM is scheduled to occur during early Spring 2025.
  • City and Eocene staff met with the US EPA and Iowa State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to discuss an approach to satisfying National Historic Preservation Act requirements as the referenced legislation is designed to preserve historical sites in the United States. The City will likely build upon previous recordation actions such as monument signage located at the foot of the 18th Street bridge and the Bringin’ Home the Bacon pamphlet available for download on the City’s website under the Planning and Zoning Department.
  • The City continued extensive efforts to inform citizens of the project. This included updating the city’s brownfields website with related news; producing a brochure summarizing property history and proposed actions which is available at City Hall; and installing double-faced signage along Sycamore Street that displays project facts and important partners. Future public meetings regarding the project will occur during Spring 2025.

Learn more about the Rath Cleanup Project at www.thenewwaterloo.com.